Saturday 14 March 2009

Narrow Minded Fools

Last week I was invited to join a Facebook group called 'How Dare Muslims Protest Against Our Heroes!', obviously the 'Friend' that invited me does not know me that well, otherwise they would have realised that I find the sentiment that is spouted on the pages as ill informed and evil.
I agree that the animals that were protesting at the homecoming parade of the Anglians last week should be escorted to the nearest port or airport and pointed in the direction of the departure lounge. I don't care that they were exercising their right to free speech, If you disagree with the policies of your host country, leave.
What I do not agree with is the fact that all Muslims are being tarred with the same brush as the aforementioned idiots. I am proud to say that I have worked with Muslim men, women and children, and I am even more proud to count members of the Islamic faith as very good friends who I admire and trust. Not once I have ever heard them say anything that was uncomplimentary against our country, if anything they are proud to be British citizens. Yes, some disagree with the policies of our government, but so do I, including the invasion of Iraq. However we were part of the invasion and as a consequence we have a duty to help the Iraqi people to rebuild their country, and those Muslim friends that I have spoken to on this matter agree. None of them agree with 9/11 and 7/7 and all of them want to live their lives peacefully.
I am not naive enough to believe that all Muslims believe this, like with any society group you do get a minority of idiots, whether they are football hooligans, animal rights terrorists or Continuity IRA and the Real IRA, but as yet I have not yet seen a group campaigning against Roman Catholics or Irish People in Britain, nor do I want to.
One may ask why I have not put these sentiments on the walls/pages of the group 'How dare Muslims protest against our heroes!!', well for me to do that I would have to join the group, which is something that I do not want to do. And for the 'Friend' who invited me to join this group, I 'ignored' your invite before I saw who invited me, if I had seen who you were I would have deleted you as a friend.